Banyumala Waterfall with Bli Gojink Bali Adventure

Banyumala Waterfall with Bli Gojink Bali Adventure

Bli gojink bali’s waterfall adventure.

This Banyumala waterfall is one of the northern Bali’s beauty and unspoiled environment. which is became famous for its natural hiking path and sightseeing  tour  through the coffee plantation, Ortensia flower farming. also it is interesting to see  the local people living doing their daily activities.

Banyumala waterfall has twin falls and quite large natural pool where you  can swim and refresh your body.A while after you had a short walk  through a fairly steep path down to this area. Also you can just  enjoy the sound of the rushing waterfall, peaceful rhythm of nature  and the green lush  forest.Enjoy the  surrounding area  while  you do not get into the water.A big resting Lumbung  house is available here in the location. wherever you wat to sit, relaxing or just  lay at the lumbung helps you to relieve your muscles after being walking down to this amazing waterfall.

Banyumala twin waterfall location

This Banyumala waterfall can be reached from the main street of Wanagiri village to Munduk  village tourist area.  which is located just about 350 meters before the famous  twin lake view is  the direction from Denpasar to Munduk village. it has a very  big sign in the right side of the road.where you will be told to drive down hill through not too big road for a car.but it is really good for motorbike or scooters for about 3 kilometers, until finally arrive at the local central parking area. or if you feel  confuse ,do not hesitate to ask the local people to give you a right direction to find this waterfall.

Expenses for the development’s contributions

Due to a new developing tourist object ,an entrance fee is required. You need to buy the entance ticket to entering this object as part of your contribution. it cost Rp.15.000 per person  and parking cost  for car Rp.5000 and Rp.2000 for scooter or motorbike.Of course, it is included  with warm welcome and smile from the humble  local people  to show you the right way to go down to the waterfall at the entrance ticket office.

for more informations about this tour,please contact us directly :

Phone or WA : +6281338500327