Top Ausflugsoptionen mit einem Deutschsprahige Fahrer und Guide in Norden Balis.

Top Ausflugsoptionen mit einem Deutschsprahige Fahrer und Guide in Norden Balis.


Herzlichen Willkommen auf Norden Bali.

lovina fahrer auf deutsch

zu erst, stelle ich mich vor dass ich aus Norden Bali nämlich Lovina komme.mein name ist Kadek Resdana und mein spitze namen als “Gojink” gennant.seit vielen Jahren arbeite ich als Touristen Fahrer und ein Ortkundige Führer bzw.English und deutschsprahige Guide, die ich fast 25  Jahre täglichen ausflüge  erleben hatte.bleiben bei mir als priorität sind Pünktlich, Freundlich ,Sichere Fahrt  für die ganzen Bali während ihres Urlaubs zu entdecken.

In unserer Heimatdorf Lovina gibt es zu viele schönen Ecken zu zeigen.als ein Lokalle Guide und Fahrer  biete ich euch nicht nur Land und Leute kennenzulernen sondern auch Bali Kultur  nähebringen an.Malerische Berge, Vulkans, Reisfelder,Wasserfälle, Klares Kristal Wasser,schöne Naturheit, Am besten Schnorcheln und Tauchen spot, Delfinen beobachten ,Tempeln und noch vieles mehr zu genissen.oder einfach nur der Sonnenuntergang vergnügen und  ruht euch aus.

Sehenswürdigkeiten und Attraktionen.

Da führe ich euch einige Stationen  im Norden Bali ein, die sie auf eure besucht Liste stehen mussen.meistens zeige ich euch als ein Lokaller Guide und Fahrer  am besten täglichen ausflüge Touristen Spots an , nämlich :

1.Lemukih Dorf und Sekumpul Wasserfälle

Auf diese kleiner Lemukih Dorf wo liegt in Plateau des  NordenBalis, konntet ihr dort eine sehr lange Wanderung durch malerischen Reisfeldern,Dschungel und Bergen mit einem sehr tollen Ausblickt und Naturheit  zu entdecken.bei einem Fluss fuhrt ihr  auch Wasser Rutscht und Klippen Springen in einem Lagoon durch.nach dem knapp  400 Treppen runterlaufen ist versteckt ein sehr beliebsten 100 metern  hohe Sekumpul Wasserfall gennant. Dann nur noch ein paar minuten davon entfernt, trifft ihr  die drei verstecken erstaunlichen Fiji Wasserfälle werdet.Was fuer ein schoener Tag ,der ihr nicht vermisste solltet.

bli gojink bali-sekumpul wasserfall/ausflug

Fiji Wasserfaella/ausflug

bligojinkbali-klippen springen/wasser rutscht/ausflug

2.Secret Garden von Sambangan

Sambangan Dorf liegt nicht so weit weg von Lovina und deuert nur noch 30 minuten mit Auto fahren.dort liegen die vier Wasserfälle  (kroya,kembar,pucuk und Aling aling Wasserfälle ), die ihr sehr populären Aktivitäten unternehmen konntet.Wasser rutsch am Wasserfall  und die drei  verschiedenen Ebenen (5mtr,10mtr,15mtr )zu springen sind die echte Adrenalin Testen. Alling aling wasserfall ist einer der beliebtesten Wasserfall auf diesen Dorf.  Warum nicht, kommt probiere sie mal aus !

bligojinkbali-secret garden sambangan/klippen springen/ausflug bligojinkbali-kroya waterfall/slide/ausflug


3.Banyumala Twin Wasserfälle

Durch eine kleine Strasse zum diesen Wasserfälle verfolgt , gibt es eine sehr schoene Blick von Ortensia Blumen und Kaffeeplantage um .es dauert fast nur 30 minuten zu Fuss von Parkplatzt, konntet ihr diesen wunderbaren Wasserfälle durch kurz steilen Tall erreichen.dorf kann man schwimmen auf einem Naturteicht zum erfrischen.

bli gojink bali-banyumala wasserfall/ausflug

4.Regenwald Wanderung  beim Tamblingan See

Tamblingan See liegt auf 1400 metern höhe ,der in einem alten Vulkankrater geformt ist. als auch  am kleinsten See auf Bali.Diese Bereicht ist von Üppigem und wunderschoenem Regenwald umgegeben, die man eine interesannte wanderung machen kann.zu erst fangt ihr  1,5 Stunden durch grüne Üppige Vegetation Spatzieren zu gehen an . einige Tempeln besichtigen oder einfach nur kurz Pause machen  können, bevor ihr mit doppelten Holzen Kano den See überfahrt.also ist der Beste Teil auf dieser Tour.Lasst euch mal nachdenken !

bligojinkbali-tamblingan See wandern/ausflug

bligojinkbali-tamblinganSee Kanofahren/ausflug

5.Munduk Wasserfall und Kaffeeplantage

Munduk Dorf liegt Südwestlich von lovina ca.1 Stunde mit Auto fahren ,einer der  populärer Dorf zwichen Europäische im  Norden Balis um die Zeit zu verbringen. Da gibt es eine Mischung Aktivitäten zwichen Wanderung bei der Wasserfälle ,Kaffeeplantage und lohnt sich man hier auf diesem Dorf zwei nächten bleiben um alles zu wichtigsten braucht man kein Lokalle Guide bzw. auf eigen faust unterzunehmen.das klingt sehr interessant, oder !

bligojinkbali-munduk wasserfall/ausflug

6.Schnorcheln Ausflug bei der Menjangan Insel.

Menjangan Insel ( die Insel des Hirsch) befindet sich 65 KM am Westen Küsten Norden Balis,die zu Teil des West National Bali Park gehören.zu dieser Insel fahrt man mit Auto von lovina nur 1,5 Stunden gedauert und 30 minuten mit Boot ueberfahren.Diese Insel ist einer der Paradies Insel zum Schnorcheln und findet hier  Kristal Klares wasser  mit vielen verschiedenen bünten Fische,Korallen Garten und Drop off Korallenriff  zu träum immer von Paradies, versichkten sie nicht auf euere List

bligojinkbali-menjangan insel schnorcheln/ausflug

bligojinkbali-menjangan insel schnorcheln/ausflugbligojinkbali-menjangan schnorcheln/ausflug


7.Delfine beobachten auf den Sonnenaufgang.

Die Delfine sind sehr süße und Säugetiere gehören zu Zahnwalen(Odontoceti),die immer am Meerwasser  bleiben und  immerhin uns ihnen immer  beobachten wollen.Lovina ist ein sehr bekannter Dorf ,der als die Heimat für den wilden Delfine .mit einem traditionelle Boot fahrt man am morgen früh um 6 Uhr  vor den Sonnenaufgang erscheinen aber man kann auch ein bisschen später um 8 Uhr fahren  wenn ihr nicht zu viel los möchtet  und viel rühiger aber man schaut kein Sonnenaufgang vom Meer.mittlerweile viele Touristen auf den Boot hängen darum  mit den Delfine schwimmen  nähe zu schauen.

bligojinkbali-Delfine beobachten/ausflug

8.Singaraja Historische Stadt und Anyar Markt

Singaraja Stadt( Stadt des Königs der Löwe)ist ehemalige der Niederländische Kolonial gebiet.bis jetzt kann man noch einige gebäude des Niederländische geerben.Ex-Hafen von Singaraja,typish Niederländische Häusern ,Stadtplanung sind die Erbe des Kolonial Ä interresannsten in der stadt kann man auch das Alltagsleben  beim Anyar Markt anschauen.

bligojinkbali-anyar Markt/ausflug

bligojinkbali-ex-Hafen singaraja/ausflug

9.Budhistiche Tempel  besichtigung  und Banjar Heissen Quellen zum Baden.

Dieser Brahmavihara Arama Tempel liegt nur 15 minuten von Lovina mit Auto entfernt,der eine beeindruckender Temple in Norden Balis.dieser Temple am meistens von der Hinduistichen Architekturkultur beeinflusst,der vielfältige Mischung zwichen Budhismus und Hinduismus Kultur zusammengebaut.dann nur noch 5 minuten rundum fahren entfernt, findet ihr in der nähe Heissen Quellen, in dem man warm Baden und Schwimmen  kann.diese Gelände  so wie ein Freibad in Deutschland, die man seine Freizeit verbringen könnte.

bligojinkbali-budhistische tempel/ausflugbligojinkbali-Banjar Heissenquellen/ausflug



10.Hinduismus Tempeln besichtigen.

Bali ist sehr berühmt für die Insel der Tausand Templen gewessen, die man überall in Bali findet wie in Norden Bali hier gebe ich euch ein paar sehr beliebtesten tempeln ,die euch unbedingt besichtigen sollen.

<=>Beji Tempel .

er liegt in Sangsit Dorf ca.16 km von Lovina entfernt und dieser Temple wurde am ca.15 Jahrhundred gebaut für Göttin des Reis oder Dewi Sri gewidmet.

bligojinkbali-beji tempel/ausflug

<=>Jagaraga Tempel (Temple der Tote).

Einer der beeindruckte Tempelanlage liegt in Jagaraga Dorf,die immer viel Touristen nach hierher kommen zum der Wand stellen die alltagsaktivitäten der gemeinschaft und einige Gesichte von dem Niederländische Kolonial ära dar.

bligojinkbali-jagaraga tempel/ausflug

<=>Meduwe Karang Temple ( Tempel des Grundbezitser).

Diese Tempelanlage liegt in Kubutambahan Doft,der für Gott der Sonne (Dewa Surya) und Göttin der Mutter Erde (dewi Pertiwi) als ein konzept die Früchtbarkeitensschutzen der Wand stellte auch ein sehr beliebt Steinschnitzerei beim Holländische man auf Radfahrad fahren ist ein typish für Norden Balis Schnitzstil hergesttelt.

medwekarang tempel-ausflug-bligojinkbali

<=>Melanting Tempel(Temple der Handeln).

Diese Bünter Tempel liegt am Westen Küste des Norden Balis genau in Banyupoh Dorf ca.40 km von Lovina wurde von einem priest aus Osten jave auf seine ganze Bali Pilger,der für Dewi Melanting ( die Goettin der Handeln) verehrt.deswegen viele leute vor ihren Geschäft geöffnet worden,mussen sie vorher hierkommen um erlaubnis zu bieten.

11.Jeep Sonnenaufgang Tour Beim Batur Vulkan .

Mittlerweiler Jeep Tour ist am beliebtesten Ausflug bei viele Touristen am Batur Vulkan wo man den Atemberaubenden Sonnenaufgang sehen kann ohne zum Spitze des Vulkan wandern sollte.für wen die hat nicht Lust zu wandern ist es eine gute Idee geeignet.macht mal und nicht zu viel nachdenken !


bligojinkbali-jeep tour/ausflug


Tour vorschläge.

Also  arbeitete schon sehr lange als Touristen Fahrer und Guide, jetzt gebe ich euch einige Tour vorchläge Optionen um die ganze Tag oder halbe Tag zu unternehmen, die ihr daran denken  kö kommt darauf an euren Wünschen und für die Urlaubsziele angeweisen.bitte schau mal ein paar Norden Balis Touren Optionen unten :

A.Lemukih wanderung und Wasserfälle.

  • Tour starten um 9 Uhr ( Lovina Area und Umgebung)
  • Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Badeanzug/Bikini,Handtuch,Hut,Wasserschue.
  • Von Ort braucht ihr ein Ortkundige Führer und Eintritt (extra kosten)


B.Secret Garden von Sambangan -Gitgit Wasserfall -Singaraja Historische Stadt

  • Tour Starten um 9 Uhr (Lovina Area und umgebung)
  • Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Badeanzug/Bikini,Handtuch,Hut,Wasserschue.
  • Von Ort braucht ihr ein Ortkundige Führer und Eintritt (extra kosten)


C.Regenwald wanderung -Banyumala twin Wasserfälle -zwilling Seen ausblicktpunkt.

  • Tour Starten um 9 Uhr (Lovina Area und umgebung)
  • Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Badeanzug/Bikini,Handtuch,Hut,Wasserschue.
  • Von Ort braucht ihr ein Ortkundige Führer( beim Regenwald) und Eintritt (extra kosten)


D.Munduk Wasserfall-Budhistische Tempel-HeissenQuellen

  • Tour Starten um 9 Uhr (Lovina Area und umgebung)
  • Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Badeanzug/Bikini,Handtuch,Hut,Wasserschue.
  • Von Ort braucht ihr nur Eintritt (extra kosten)


E .Schnorcheln Ausflug bei der Menjangan Insel-(auf dem weg) Budhistiche Tempel -Heissen Quellen.

  • Tour Starten um 9 Uhr (Lovina Area und umgebung)
  • Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Badeanzug/Bikini,Handtuch,Hut,Wasserschue.
  • Von Ort braucht ihr ein Ortkundige Führer( bei der Insel) und Eintritt (extra kosten)


F.Delfinen auf den Sonnenaufgang Tour oder Delfine Schwimmen Tour

  • -Tour Starten um 6 Uhr (Sonnenaufganf tour) & um 8 Uhr (Delfine schwimmen)/ (Lovina Area und umgebung)
  • -Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Badeanzug/Bikini,Handtuch,Hut.


G.Jeep Sonnenaufgang Tour

  • Tour Starten um 3 Uhr morgenfrueh (Lovina Area und umgebung)
  • Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Jacke oder Pullover,Hut.
  • Von Ort braucht ihr ein Ortkundige Führer und Eintritt (extra kosten)


H.Tempeln Tour zum Beji Tempel-Jagaraga Tote Tempel-Singaraja Stadt-Singaraja ex-hafen

  • Tour Starten um 9 Uhr (Lovina Area und umgebung)
  • Was zum mitnehmen : Sonnencreme,Kamera oder Handy,Sarong.
  • Eintritt sind extra kosten


na und, worauf wartet euch ? wenn ihr noch etwas besser Ideen und anregung habt, bitte gebt ihr mir bescheid und planen wir die Stationensziele zusammen. macht bitte keine Sorgen dass ich ein sehr Flexibler und zuverlassiger Fahrer und Guide bin,der immer will für die Gaeste mehr sein.ich würde mich sehr freuen auf die alle Fragen,bitte zogern ihr nicht bei mir meldet.ich hoffe,dass ihr bei diese erklärungen etwas entscheidung getroffen habt.für weitere Auskünfte über die Preis stehe ich euch gerne zur verfügung durch die folgende ausfürliche Adresse :

Whatsapp/Handy :+6281338500327


Facebook:Kadek Resdana/ Bli Gojink Bali Lovina Driver and Tour

Instagram: Bli_Gojink_bali

Tripadvisor :Bli Gojink Bali Proffesional Bali Driver

Menjangan Island Snorkeling Tour from Lovina

Menjangan Island Snorkeling Tour from Lovina

menjangan island
menjangan island snorkeling tour

Menjangan Island or well known as “Deer Island” is located in the west national Bali park.this island inhabited by herd of wild becomes one of the best paradise area for Snorkeling and Diving.This island is easy reached from Lovina or north Bali area for a day snorkeling tour. Within an hour drive from Lovina by car and heading to Banyuwedang or Labuhan lalang local Harbour to  cross to this beautiful is worth for you to visit this island while your holiday in north bali.

menjangan island snorkeling tour
menjangan snorkeling tour from lovina

Here offers you the spectacular coral characteristic from drop off(wall coral) and amazing coral garden.a variety of Sponges,huge sea fans,Pigmy sea horses,great fish life, clown fish(Nemo) and turtles are easily can be seen in this island.

snorkeling tour
menjangan snorkeling tour from lovina
snorkeling tour
menjangan snorkeling tour from lovina
menjangan snorkeling tour
menjangan snorkeling tour from lovina

This tour is suitable for any ages and totally safe for the children as long as they can swim will be guided by the local guide organisation who will show you the best snorkeling spots and route.the best to do this activities is in the morning while the tide normally calm and crystal clear water .this tour is recommended to do while you in a group or family ( minimum.3 participants).also within a short distance from lovina to menjangan island isn’t that far for your memorable snorkeling day tour.

Tour starting time : 8 am

Tour itineraries :

  • Pick up from the hotel at 8 am
  • An hour drive by car to local harbour and 30 minutes cross to the island
  • Hotspring(extra stop on the way back for relaxation in hotwater spring)
  • Back to Hotel
What to Bring :
  • Towel
  • Swimming suit
  • Sunblock/Suncream
  • Underwater camera

Inclusive tour :

  • lunch box and drink
  • entrance ticket
  • ac car and English speaking driver
  • Boat cross
  • Snorkeling Gears
  • Diving gears for Diver

Tour price:

  • US $ 45/pax (1-2 Pax,based on sharing with other group at Diving company))
  • US $ 50/pax(3-7 pax,private snorkeling tour)
  • US $45/pax (7-12 pax,private snorkeling tour)
  • Diving US$ 70/pax and based on sharing.

for more detail infos,better deals depend on tourist season or questions, please contact us :

Dolphin Tour and Waterfall Activities in Lovina

Dolphin Tour and Waterfall Activities in Lovina

secret garden tour

Exploring north part of bali in one day tour.having an ideas, based from the water here,you will have more fun by doing these activities in north Bali.also mostly European or western people are very keen on our tropical weather which is mostly warm all the time.

Dolphin watchingAt early Morning ,we will take you out with the traditional Boat.watching the sun rises over the North east Bali horizone. While, all the boat Captain are looking for the Dolphins location. it always has a big possibilities to see them in the wild,except when it is too bad weather.but, if you are so lucky,some playful wild dolphins awaits for you.Swimming away around the boat, jumping, rolling in the air.they give you such a great wild performances at their natural,this tour will be doing for about 2 hours .

After that,we will be continuing to the local coral reef for,you can swim with some of a beautiful coral fishes .as well as the great coral garden in the area.the excursion is for about an hour.Then, having a breakfast at the local restaurant(**),except having breakfast at the hotel for whom stays in Lovina area

Finally after having breakfast, its time to go for another water adventures trip.the secret garden of sambangan or known as_ Aling aling waterfall as well. There are several activities such as soft hiking, swimming at the river’s lagoon, sliding at the slope of  the falls and some levels of  cliff jump from the lowest 5 meters till 15 meters high.With the local guide’s instructions,they will guide and take care of you to do those activities all the time. Have fun and give it a try !!

Tour Itinerary :

  • Pick up at the hotel Lobby
  • Sunrise dolphin watching
  • Snorkling at the local coral reef
  • Breakfast at the local Restaurant(**included Only for non lovina resident’s guest,excluded for lovina resident’s guest cause your breakfast is already included at the hotel)
  • Waterfall activities at Secret garden of sambangan
  • Dropped back to Hotel.



  • Dolphin tour
  • Life jacket and snorkeling gear equipments
  • waterfall activities and local guide.
  • Breakfast at local restaurant ( for non lovina guest residence)
  • Entance ticket,dolphin tour ticket and traditional boat
  • Mineral water
  • Pick up and drop off service


  • US$ 40/ IDR 525.000 per pax for lovina guest resident
  • US$ 65/ IDR 900.000 per pax for south bali guest resident


(min.2 pax,additionally charge 60% for solo treveller)

Tour starting time:

  • 05.30 am picked up at lovina area
  • 03.00 am picked up at south bali area

How to book us :

<=> Phone or WA : +6281338500327

<=> Tripadvisor :Bli Gojink Bali Professional Bali Driver

<=>Facebook Fanpage :Bli Gojink Bali Lovina Driver And Tours

<=> Instagram :bli_gojink_bali

Mt.batur volcano trekking from lovina

Mt.batur volcano trekking from lovina

batur vulcanoWe proudly present_ Mt batur trekking from Lovina ,_North Bali. An early morning trip to climb the volcano.Let’s Go and express your love beyond the nature. but,its just suitable for medium level(10 years old-65 years old)hikers. and you need to be in a very  fit condition. well known, for its spectacular and fascinating sunrise over the then,it is worthy to give it a try . Mt. batur ,_ (717m high above of sea level) is one of the active volcano in Bali island . its located at the high land of _Kintamani district,_Regency of Bangli.

Mt Batur sunriseso, what time should you be ready ? and you will be picked up from _Lovina or _Singaraja area. Mt Batur volcano trekking from lovina starts at 2.00 Am.because, it takes 2 hours drive with the car to central parking as starting point.before that,the trekking guide will give you a short introduction and explanation about the activities.therefore, your guide will lead you through the darkness and cold weather at early morning. several stops is needed to take a breath . of course,you can drink some water as well. anyway,to get onto the top will take approx. 2 hours walking up.Breathtaking sunrise and spectacular panorama awaits you at the clear weather.

A while after,staying around an hour at the top to enjoy the can have your breakfast as well. normally,we prepare it before the trip.after that,the journey will continue back to the starting takes even shorter than the way up.sliding on the sandy foot path takes you faster to get back scenery over the lake Batur and a local agriculture surrounding.even made this mt.batur volcano trekking from Lovina such a great experience in your life.

north bali scenic tourFinally after, this activities done,we will drive back to Lovina.or maybe , continued to next tourist destination as your is upon your order though the the way,it should be one of the highlight activities while in Bali.

What to prepare for this trip:a regular trekking shoes, a light sweater or Jacket, suncream, Camera, sunglasses and hat.

Inclusive: AC car Transfer and private tour,local guide,entrance ticket,climbing ticket, breakfast box , english speaking driver.

Tour starting time: 02 am (picked up at around  Lovina area)


*IDR 800.000 per pax ( min.2-3 pax,private tour and extra charge 50 % for solo treveller,back to lovina area and extra charge for other tourist destinations)

*IDR 600.000 per pax (min.4 pax-more),Based on sharing tour.

How to book us :

<=> phone or Wa : +6281338500327

<=> Tripadvisor : Bli Gojink Bali Professional Bali Driver

<=> Facebook Fanpage :Bli Gojink Bali Lovina Driver and Tours

<=> Instagram: bli_gojink_bali

**Trip reference,please read(in german) here.

Rafting and ATV ride tour from Lovina area

Rafting and ATV ride tour from Lovina area

rafting from lovinaWhite water Rafting and ATV Ride are most popular adrenaline test activities in Bali. Those activities designed in order to have more fun and adventures on your holiday.with friends, group of family or holiday groups is best choice to do this activities. it suppossed,these rafting and ATV ride tour from Lovina should be delivered a memorable and exciting tour in a day.

As we begin from all over Lovina area or North Bali area’s guest residence, we will be ready to assist you to do the activities.  with air conditioned minivan will escort you for your comfortable trip. all included Rafting and ATV tour from Lovina package makes you much easy on going. no confuse and just concerning for your activities only. Easy booking on our contact to give information upon term and special price demanding on a big group.

Ayung rafting from lovinaTherefore,the Rafting activity will be started from the north of Ubud area. It takes for about 2 hours for along 12 km Ayung river then, total duration of this tour will approx.3 hours with your will be served after this tour activity. continued by leaving the rafting office area to the ATV starting point which located at Silakarang village,south west of Ubud area. This activity will also take for about 1,5- 2 hours trip. Along the rice field in the area ,muddy and narrow road will completely your fun and it won’t be a false choice by doing this rafting and ATV ride tour activites from Lovina in one day.

atv ride from lovinaFinally,what should you to prepare for this trip ?

These activities are not such a complicated need to bring : chancing cloths,swimming suit or sport cloths,towel,hat,Camera and Suncream.

Best offers packages for Rafting and ATV tour from Lovina area :
<=> IDR .1.250.000/US$ 88.00 per pax, min 2 participants
<=>IDR 1.100.000 / US$ 78.00 per pax, 3-5 participants
<=>IDR 975.000 /US$ 68 per pax,6-10 participants.

Tour Starting time at : 08.00 AM.

Further infos or more for customs activities,please click here or find us at the address below :
<=>whatsapp :+6281338500327
<=>facefook fanpage :Bli Gojink Bali Lovina Driver and Tours
<=>Tripadvisor : Bli Gojink Bali Professional Bali Driver

<=> Instagram : bli_gojink_bali



The Balinese Names

balinese ceremony

Bali known as an island with a strong bound of solidarity ,respects and a very tide of harmony living in their social lives. Rituals and religious believes have hardly been ever separated from their daily life and of the most crucial ceremony in the whole human Balinese life is a  three(3) months ceremony for the baby.this ceremony is represented to the ancestors who reincarnate to the baby body,having a full  Balinese name and allowing the baby to touch the ground (as a mother earth) for the first time since the baby born. Generally Balinese speaks Balinese Language (bahasa Bali) as a daily speaking language  and Indonesian language ( Bahasa Indonesia) as national mother language in formal situations such as at school,government offices,Bank,post office days, many of Balinese speaks English for most and others language such as german,French ,Russian,chinesse and many more languages  due to the demand on the tourism industry.

The Balinese names as Local ID.

As we talking about the Balinese names,The Balinese people has their own local Balinese names which describes sort of birth in their family such as putu,gede,kadek ,komang ,ketut and so on,before its followed by their full name or secondary names and of course,often you hear those specific names while you are in Bali.Formerly, those sort of birth names are used for the traditional Balinese family planning and supposed to have  four(4) kids in the entire family.but nowdays,according the Indonesian Government family planning program “2 kids is enough” , the third and the fourth Balinese names soon will be reduced in usage or could be gone. normally in old passion Balinese names are not using or put the family name in their name,but some family starting to use a family name at the end of their Balinese has changed a lots, it is because of how important to put their family name for their next generation or might because of modern influences from the western style name.and also could be really important to have a family name in their balinese name in order to organize a passport  or other legal papers for those who want to stay,study or work in foreign country.

Here they are the 10th Balinese names :

1.the first born baby has 4( four) names,called:

  • WAYAN,Taken from the origin word of “wayahan “ means the eldest or the most ripe if taken from the words of fruits and used for the girl and boy name.

  • LUH,Taken from the origin word of “luwe” in Balinese it means female and used only for the women or girl name.

  • GEDE,means “huge”,the biggest or the oldest and commonly used for the boy name.

  • PUTU,taken from the word “cucu” means the grand child of the it is more easy to call the first baby “ucu” or “cucu” from the grandparents. and costumized to used for a both gender name the girl and the boy.

2.the 2nd born baby has 3(three) names,called:

  • MADE,Taken from the word “madia” or the middle in English translation .it means the kinds who are born in the middle or means the second born.those name are for a both gender ,boy and the girl’s name.

  • NENGAH, which means in the middle or the origin word of and this name is also for the boy and girl’s name.

  • KADEK, this name is the costumization from the name of Made.taken from the origin word “kade or adek” .it means the your brother or sister and this name is used for a both gender boy and girl.

3.the 3rd born baby has 2(two) names,called:

  • NYOMAN,taken from the origin word of uman,means sisa or the rest.according the ancient Balinese life was suggested to have or better to have 3 kids and therefore would be expected much more matures or wise for the parent for leading or a better conduct to their family life.

  • KOMANG, it is the costumization name from the name of nyoman ,cause the name of komang more used for a modern Balinese name for the 3rd born child. Due to the ancient herbal medicines were not effectively prevent the pregnancy and an abortion matter is something really taboo and forbidden among the Balinese society.some family were hardly to stop their pregnancy wife till they have more than 3 then come the fourth.

4.the 4th born baby has the only name called:

  • KETUT,taken from the word of kitut,means the bonus or also can be mean really the end of the rest.or it could be means as the belove child.the word of “kitut” in Balinese taken from the last or the lowest group of banana fruit.

So what happen if they have more than 4 children in the family? to named them has to reverse back again to the first name system and having the same circle and so could be have 2 wayans or 2 kadeks in the same sounds interesting,isn’t it? it is no wonder to have the same initial names in entire family in Bali.

The Balinese names also has an Article name which is refers to their gender.commonly used for the Sudra’s name but also some used for the Ksatrya names. the article ‘I’ in the Balinese name is refers to a male names, such as “I made…or I gusti…and so on. and the article “NI” is refers to a female names such as : Ni Luh…,Ni Komang…,and so on.All those names are applied in every castes would be begun by their caste’s title  and then followed by their sort of birth name in the family, such as:

  • Brahmana name : Ida Bagus Gede….,Ida ayu(Dayu) Putu…or and so on.
  • Ksatrya name: Anak Agung Gede…,I gusti putu…,Dewa ketut…and so on
  • Waisya name : Ngakan gede…,kompyang putu…, Sang Nyoman…, and so on.
  • Sudra name : has no title’s name and it is directly begun with their sort of birth name in their family as explained above.

Many of things has changed in this modern lives including the way of giving the children’s name. in the past,our parent were easily gave their children a  name as they want or thought as long as not confused them when they call their children’s name.but now days ,mostly parent are really carefully choose or took the name for their children.sometimes, they have  to ask the priest or wise people,or taken from the sanskrit name or  what’s the popular now? some of baline children’s name is influenced by western name such as : kadek cindy….,or Putu robby adi….,komang vina…and so on.then combined with some others Balinese name.therefore,next time when you are in Bali and meet the Balinese for the first time, it would be no wonder at all if they introduce their balinese name to you then easily for you to recognize that they are Balinese people.


Bali known as an island with a strong bound of solidarity ,respects and a very tide of harmony living in their social lives. Rituals and religious believes have hardly been ever separated from their daily life and of the most crucial ceremony in the whole human Balinese life is a  three(3) months ceremony for the baby.this ceremony is represented to the ancestors who reincarnate to the baby body,having a full  Balinese name and allowing the baby to touch the ground (as a mother earth) for the first time since the baby born. Generally Balinese speaks Balinese Language (bahasa Bali) as a daily speaking language  and Indonesian language ( Bahasa Indonesia) as national mother language in formal situations such as at school,government offices,Bank,post office days, many of Balinese speaks English for most and others language such as german,French ,Russian,chinesse and many more languages  due to the demand on the tourism industry.

As we talking about the Balinese names,The Balinese people has their own local Balinese names which describes sort of birth in their family such as putu,gede,kadek ,komang ,ketut and so on,before its followed by their full name or secondary names and of course,often you hear those specific names while you are in Bali.Formerly, those sort of birth names are used for the traditional Balinese family planning and supposed to have  four(4) kids in the entire family.but nowdays,according the Indonesian Government family planning program “2 kids is enough” , the third and the fourth Balinese names soon will be reduced in usage or could be gone. normally in old passion Balinese name are not using or put the family name in their name,but some family starting to use a family name at the end of their Balinese changed a lots, it is because of how important to put their family name for their next generation or might be it is because of modern influences from the western style name.and could be really important to put a family name in oerder to organize a passport or other legal papers for those who want to stay,study or even work in foreign country.

Here they are the 10th Balinese names :

1.the first born baby has 4( four) names,called:

  • WAYAN,Taken from the origin word of “wayahan “ means the eldest or the most ripe if taken from the words of fruits and used for the girl and boy name.
  • LUH,Taken from the origin word of “luwe” in Balinese it means female and used only for the women or girl name.
  • GEDE,means “huge”,the biggest or the oldest and commonly used for the boy name.
  • PUTU,taken from the word “cucu” means the grand child of the it is more easy to call the first baby “ucu” or “cucu” from the grandparents. and costumized to used for a both gender name the girl and the boy.

2.the 2nd born baby has 3 names,called:

  • MADE,Taken from the word “madia” or the middle in English translation .it means the kinds who are born in the middle or means the second born.those name are for a both gender ,boy and the girl’s name.
  • NENGAH, which means in the middle or the origin word of and this name is also for the boy and girl’s name.
  • KADEK, this name is the costumization from the name of Made.taken from the origin word “kade or adek” .it means the your brother or sister and this name is used for a both gender boy and girl.

3.the 3rd born baby has 2 names,called:

  • NYOMAN,taken from the origin word of uman,means sisa or the rest.according the ancient Balinese life was suggested to have or better to have 3 kids and therefore would be expected much more matures or wise for the parent for leading or a better conduct to their family life.
  • KOMANG, it is the costumization name from the name of nyoman ,cause the name of komang more used for a modern Balinese name for the 3rd born child. Due to the ancient herbal medicines were not effectively prevent the pregnancy and an abortion matter is something really taboo and forbidden among the Balinese society.some family were hardly to stop their pregnancy wife till they have more than 3 then come the fourth.

4.the 4th born baby has the only name called:

  • KETUT,taken from the word of kitut,means the bonus or also can be mean really the end of the rest.or it could be means as the belove child.the word of “kitut” in Balinese taken from the last or the lowest group of banana fruit.

So what happen if they have more than 4 children in the family? to named them has to reverse back again to the first name system and having the same circle and so could be have 2 wayans or 2 kadeks in the same sounds interesting,isn’t it? it is no wonder to have the same initial names in entire family in Bali.

The Balinese names also has an Article name which is refers to their gender.commonly used for the Sudra’s name but also some used for the Ksatrya names. the article ‘I’ in the Balinese name is refers to a male names, such as “I made…or I gusti…and so on. and the article “NI” is refers to a female names such as : Ni Luh…,Ni Komang…,and so on.All those names are applied in every castes would be begun by their caste’s title  and then followed by their sort of birth name in the family, such as:

  • Brahmana name : Ida Bagus Gede….,Ida ayu(Dayu) Putu…or and so on.
  • Ksatrya name: Anak Agung Gede…,I gusti putu…,Dewa ketut…and so on
  • Waisya name : Ngakan gede…,kompyang putu…, Sang Nyoman…, and so on.
  • Sudra name : has no title’s name and it is directly begun with their sort of birth name in their family as explained above.

Many of things has changed in this modern lives including the way of giving the children’s name. in the past,our parent were easily gave their children a  name as they want or thought as long as not confused them when they call their children’s name.but now days ,mostly parent are really carefully choose or took the name for their children.sometimes, they have  to ask the priest or wise people,or taken from the sanskrit words or famous figures name .so  what’s the popular now? some of balinese children’s name is influenced by western name such as : kadek cindy….,or Putu robby adi….,komang vina…and so on.then combined with some others Balinese name.therefore,next time when you are in Bali and meet the Balinese for the first time, it would be no wonder for you at all if they introduce their balinese name  and easily for you to recognize that they are Balinese people.




Bali known as an island  with nearly 80% of the balinese people are majorities of hindusm adherents,called Hindu Dharma. where in their daily life can not be separate from their customs and rich of rituals ceremony. various offerings includes Babi guling  is often offered during the ceremony.Babi guling is one of the most important stuff  on hinduism ceremony suck as for wedding ceremony ,three months new born Baby ceremony,funeral and many more. Nowdays , babi guling is not just part of the ceremony’s offers only. but in reality its became a prestige culinary business caused by the increase of tourist visits every year, population, food needed and complexity of the local has given really wide chances to open a small babi guling food stand (locally called warung ) or even a restaurant which based on original local dish.

Babi guling ( suckling pig roasted) is originally called” be guling”.Be locally means the assence of Meat ( it can substitute from other animal instead pig) and guling means rolled over wood,coconut skin or charcoal fire( it is not baked in the oven for sure). So babi guling or be guling is a roasting process of the whole meat of pig or others which is always rolled over the fire for some certain of time(3-4 hours) until its get cook and the color is changed into brown and mostly the skin of the meat become crispy.and commonly we choose the young pig with the average weight between 30kg -40 kg .sometimes, for any reason of the ritual needs,we made also the huge babi guling with almost 100 kg pig, for e.g. a ceremony to pay a promise(sesangi or sesaudan) if something you wished for came true.


Anyway, to make Babi guling takes a lots of process.starting from preparing the sauces which made from the complete Balinese spices ingredients such as Galangal,aromatic ginger,ginger,domestic curcuma,garlic,onion,fresh chilli papers  and many more. A good composition of those ingredients create a complete Balinese sauce called Base gede. This sauce is the basic of all Balinese food such Lawar, jejeruk,tum,jukut ares or jukut balung  and etc , with some of addition required when the sauce part is done ,then they’ve got to catch the pig from their cage or  even from the wild ,hehe…

The whole process of making babi guling takes totally between 4-5 hours  and normally has to work on team. started  with slaughtering the pig (they collect its fresh blood for other balinese food called lawar ). Then cleaning the skin out with fire or hot water. This process takes a little bit longer while has to be all everything  cleaned and shinny before we take out the innards contents from the pig belly. then we have to separate the clean pig part from its innards contents to get ready  for roasting the pig. in Bali  it has not a special slaughter house where a ready pig for babi guling available .While the whole pig is clean and ready  to be roasted with the special roasting stick wood or the pig’s belly we put the mix of young cassava leaves and some of the base gede which has made in the beginning.beside of that, the fire has to be sure ready before they begin to rolled over this process will take another 3 hours even more.they have still to work on team where one person has to rolled the pig over the fire always and the other has to manage the fire for giving a nice and smooth heat for a better fire’s circumstance. the Babi guling will get well cook when it gets the color changed into deep shiny brow,of course not burned and the skin gets crispy but for some part it won’t get that crispy or crunchy. as they supposed to have the most delicious part is the crispy skin and a juicy tender meat with a perfect blending of cassava leaves and base gede itself cook in the pig belly during the roasting process. then, it has to be taken out from the fire when the Babi guling is it is ready used for an offerings on ceremony at first or directly used for the party.


Eating Babi guling is not just about consuming  a juicy tender meat at all.but it is a unique blending  taste of the meat itself with a complex taste of Balinese sauce or base melt in the mouth which gave a real taste of the  authentic Balinese  food to be Bali to have a portion of babi guling is always serve with a big mixture from steamed rice,a juicy meat of the babi guling itself ,the vegetable of cassava leave which is cook together along the comes also with lawar, some grated coconut mixed with a fine chopped fork and base gede with the fried onion and garlic( originally this food also mixed with fresh blood for red lawar and white lawar without blood).usually for the tourist or non Balinese will serve only with white lawar.  other things,it may comes with Balinese sausages,sate lilit ( a mixed of minced fork or other meats with soft grated of coconut and skewed on a bamboo stick and grilled),and some of fried innards or fork itself. The last normally serve in a bowl is fork bones soup(jukut balung) which also taste so much different  with those all mixture. So the question is, worth it to try when you are in Bali ? ok, if you are a non muslim or meat lover,  the answer is “ yes ,it is !”. it is worth to try cause it really safe food by processed in fine way and having rich mixture of taste of a complex ingredients of Balinese base gede. Also one thing you should ask before you try this food is” no spicy “. Cause commonly the Balinese food is spicy for most otherwise you will have burned lips  afterward. it might be also as an alternative food references while you are having holiday in our beautiful and religious Bali island.

Eventually with all of our respects and appreciation to all of our visitors  in Bali. hopefully this article could be worthwhile for your alternative Balinese authentic food instead of others  Balinese delicate dishes. it might also raising up the economic and help  the local Balinese people with supports and contribution by purchased their local products.  Without trying or taste the local Balinese food ,you will never get to know the real Bali ever.

created by bli gojink bali



Bali climate

Bali island is  a small island in the middle of Indonesian Archipelago.Geographically located at 8 °, 25’23 “South Latitude and 115 ° 14’55” East Longitude (south of equator line).commonly, it  has only hot and wet season in a especially in Bali,most of the time is Bali best time to visit in the whole year.

Normally,The Rainy (wet) season comes around October till has for about 85% seems quite high but  it does not mean, having the rain drops everyday. but  it could be have some rain’s drop just for a few hours in a the day. also it often has a very thick cloud over the mountain and very cold temperature, especially when driving in the night.

The Hot (dry) season comes around April till September. on this  range time is the warmest has the  average temperature between 27ºC – 32ºC with lowest humidity in a year.but  in the cluster Bali’s central mountains, mostly it  has a very smooth and  fresh weather because of its high here is Bali best time to visit where you can imagine about the tropical climate,warm weather and humidity along the whole year with combination of those two seasons.

Bali best time to Visit

Bali is well known for its natural landscape and a unique blending between culture and traditions .these can not be separated from daily Balinese that’s way ,it makes Bali  as one of  the famous tourist destination in the world.the highest season normally comes around  the month of July till August.normally, it is for local and European school holiday.

On this  range time is the warmest weather and less humidity. it creates a perfect temperature during the day to travel in Bali Island. also it will be very suitable for outdoor activities.Various type of activities, such as sun bathing at the beach, surfing,scuba diving,snorkeling ,Dolphin watching in Lovina beach,rain forest trekking,sightseeing tour or hiking .there are still many more things to do which is a nice weather required. For some people,might be it is not such a good idea to visit Bali in this is because of too busy everywhere.but that is their reasons for the European tourist and so does the domestic tourist from Indonesia.they  have to make this holiday all together at the same time due to their kids school holiday. so it is the perfect time to take their family on the trips.

Anyway, the really Bali best time to visit will be around  the month of April, is before the high season time. or September,mid October,after the high season.the weather is very excellent, less busy and a perfect time to have rest .more enjoyed for the quality time of holiday. also in this time some of the  accommodations,restaurants and other activities are starting to give an attractive discount. due to the low season.another Bali best time to visit is by the end of the year. as well as you celebrate the Christmas season and new year holiday in Bali. normally in this time is not so busy. as it has to be but sometimes it could be rain so much during the day.maybe,it could be a great holiday for a honeymoon couple or  a person who really seeking for relaxation and refreshment on their holiday.

Unplanned trips

Any reason for the urgent traveler who has not exact plans to make holiday,it is not a big deal with concerning what season will be.the chancing weather in Bali gives no big different along the year. it mostly has a very warm temperatures,nice atmosphere and still has sunshine for doing outdoor activities even for some times in Rainy (wet)season.

If you are really lucky ,you will always have a very great day for the whole holiday in Bali but if it is not,it won’t be that bad or disappoint to visit our beautiful Bali island without considering Bali best time time to we always say to our clients “everything is possible”.,’nothing to worry about” and “always be happy in Bali”.Take an action,pack your stuffs,book your flight and see you in our beautiful Bali island soon !

further information,please contact us at mobile / WA at +6281338500327( fast respond)

Fanpage: bli gojink bali lovina driver and tours


Mount Agung eruption

Mount Agung eruption

Location and The Balinese believe

Mount Agung is a strato-type volcano with the height of 3,142 above sea level.Located at KarangAsem Regency, sub distric of Rendang ,East part of Bali Island. it has a very large and very deep crater that sometimes bring out of smoke and moisture. This mountain looks perfectly sharp,this mount elongated and ends in a circular crater and wide. it is the highest and the most sacred mountain for the Balinese. on the foot of the mt agung also found the Hindu biggest Temple called the Besakih Temple(the mother Hindu Temple), where they believes as the abode of the gods and the ancestors before they could  reincarnate to the earth.

The Eruption History

According to the Record of Mt Agung eruption is only known as much as four times,  in the year of 1800,1821,1843 and the last eruption was in 1963 where killed almost 1100 peoples  more and destroyed a lots of villages surrounding the area.  After Since the last 53 years ,it has not shown really significant activities, the mount Agung has begun its  activities since the last September 2017.and the eruption has occurred on Saturday, November  25,2017, which is began with freatic type of explosion by  thrown out a huge number of high pressure gases and ashes  from the beneath of the volcano to the air at the altitude of 1500metres till 3000 meters over the Mt  Agung Crater.  and the eruption  is still on going with the chancing type of the eruption from phreatic  to magmatic which can caused more bigger explosion possibility.

The eruption rate of Mount Agung began to increase from phreatic to magmatic on November 25th at 23.00 pm, and to this day the magmatic eruption continues to occur. In fact, last night a continuous effusive eruption took place, accompanied by a banging sound and this indicated a greater potential for eruptions, possibly in the future. Considering these conditions, PVMBG( the Center for volcanology and Geological Dissaster Mitigation) increased the volcanic activity status of Gunung Agung from Siaga (level III) to Awas Level IV as of November 27, 2017, at 06.00 Wita, “said Head of Mitigation Division of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation I Gede Suantika on Monday (27 / 11/2017)”.

The impact of the eruption on the tourism in Bali

As known, the Bali government has started to make a lots of preparations to against the threat of Mt Agung eruption in Bali. It follows the latest report of the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency which provides the status all time related to the condition of Mount Agung. The proof, tens to hundreds of thousands of residents have been evacuated and took mitigation steps to preparing the measures impact of the eruption.

But the Bali Government has to closed the international Bali airport as well on Monday,November 27,2017 for the next 24 hours due to the volcanic dust which has closed the air space at the airport up to two level. several flight departure are suspended and so does flight arrival that supposed to land in Bali airport were cancelled.

Mt agung is located at the eastern part of Bali ,some part of Bali island are still safe to stay and to visit such as south bali area,middle bali ,west and north bali area. it has still an option to come to Bali through the other airport  in Java even Bali airport is closed.. Then take a train or local taxi to Ketapang harbour to Gilimanuk harbour which is connected Bali and Jawa Island.

Eventually we can just pray and wished that our beautiful Bali can passed this natural catastrophes disaster as soon as possible. So we can get back to our normal life and doing our activities as usually.

A very big thanks to every Balinese people,Bali provincial government,PVMBG,Bali international airport and all parties who concerned very much and has always working together (gotong royong) to prevent and protect all aspects due to this Mt Agung eruption.May God Bless Us Always !

Best wishes

bli gojink bali

www.bli gojink